Raded (rhombidodecadodecahedron) is made of 12 pentagrams, 30 squares and 12 pentagons. There are six 5-fold and ten 3-fold rotation axis. The edges of raded can be connected by pentagrams (first number), squares (second number), pentagons (third number) and hexagons (fourth number). Thus 33 polyhedra appear, which are grouped in the following way: 12 pyramidal and 2 antiprismatic polyhedra have a 5-fold axis, 12 pyramidal and 4 antiprismatic figures have a 3-fold axis. There are 3 figures with icosahedral symmetry. They are the rhombicosahedron (ri), the icosidodecadodecahedron (ided) and the raded itself.



raded-Facetings by R. Klitzing:

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